Friday, 5 August 2016

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How To Install SublimeText plugins

Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface. it has been my favorite IDE, mostly due to its lightweight, powerful and yet available for all major platforms. it is also notable for its extensive ecosystem of plugins which means that once you have downloaded the editor, you can install plug-ins for adding more features to it. This tutorial aims at showing you how to access the various extensions available to sublimeText.

The most important tool of all is the Package Control, which is the manager for installing additional plugins directly from within Sublime. This can be done manually or by copying and pasting the appropriate python code in your sublime console. The second is the most recommended method. It will take care of the rest of the package installation ahead.
To install package control, visit the package control installation page, find and copy the code relevant to your version of sublime, open your sublime console with ctr+` and paste the given code.(endeavour to have internet connection.) then wait for the command to execute.

If for any reason the above  method fails, you can go through the manual method by:

  1. Launch sublime text
  2. On the option menu, navigate to preferences > Browse packages
  3. A dialog box will pop up, then move the folder one step backwards where you'll find the installed package folder
  4. Download package control and copy it into the Installed package directory
  5. Restart sublime Text(close and re-open)
You should now find package control under the preference menu. To install a new package, navigate to Package control:install package, wait for the repositories to load(depends on your network strength) then search for your desired plugin or browse through the list of available packages.


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